Our work could not be made possible without the support and generosity of the following individuals and organizations:
Kenyon Estate
David Dodgen CPA
Dane and Jessica Tippman
Larry Kay, owner of KAYAVO
Bob Pieper of Hearth and Home
Barbara Spikes and 'Massage Just for You'
Thomson Reuters
Tolowa Dee-Ni Nation
OtterBee's - "Where Local Matters"
And several anonymous donations.

Our Mission Statement: The mission of the Curry Student Success Fund is to promote educational opportunities and serve all students, including those excluded by local scholarship foundations because of alternative education choices.
The CSSF Board of Directors is comprised of local business people, educators and retirees who passionately want to see local students succeed.
We believe local educational funding options should be available to all deserving students, including those who have been home-educated and privately educated.
We also believe in helping students learning a trade or seeking training to advance in their career.
Brookings is our home. Our students need our help. CSSF and our financial supporters are meeting that need.
Board Members
Edward Schreiber - President
Erin Brumage - Vice-President
Linda Schreiber - Secretary
Cam Lynn - Treasurer
Kathleen Dickson
Lyn Shiffer
Val Cowan